Is going Keto the right choice for me?

 I remember when I first heard of the Ketogenic Diet, the first thing that rushed to my head was “there is no way you can lose weight by eating mostly fat! Everybody know that you should stay away from fat if you want to lose weight, right?” Eating fat to lose weight sounded ridiculous and counter intuitive to everything that I had been taught. I decided to do my own research into this before stuffing my face with fat. The interesting thing is, the more I researched the Keto Diet the more surprised I was that going Keto was the right move for me.

The Ketogenic Diet is basically an ultra low carb and high fat diet. By reducing the carbs intake your body will enter ketosis and you will start burning fat.

What happens behind the curtains?

By reducing the carb intake your body your glucose level will reduce. After 3–4 days, your body is forced to find another source of fuel, this new fuel is KETONES. Ketones are produced in the liver by breaking down fat cells. You, therefore “teach your body” to burn fat.

You see, carbohydrates are very high in energy and as long as your body has a constant stream of them, there is a need for your body to burn fat. And so it just builds up on your body. So by drastically reducing carbs, your body will be forced to burn fat for energy.

The Ketogenic Diet is becoming more and more popular by the day, thousands of people are joining the Keto movement everyday. You can see an ever-growing list of celebrities joining as well like, Halle Berry, Kim Kardashian, LeBron James and Megan Fox, and no wonder with all the benefits it comes with and the scientific evidence to back up the hype.

Some of the benefits of the Keto Diet:

#1 Drives weight loss

The Keto Diet increases your metabolism and consists of foods that fill you up and therefore reduces appetite.

#2 Stabilises blood sugar levels

By reducing the carbohydrates in your diet you will lower your insulin levels and possibly reverse diabetes.

#3 Lowers inflammation

The cause of inflammation is by having too many free radicals. The ketones, that your body produces through following the Ketogenic Diet, produces fewer free radicals compared to glucose. Be sure to eat whole and unprocessed foods when on the Keto Diet.

#4 May reduce the risk of certain cancer

Cancer cells get most of their energy by breaking down glucose, a form of carbohydrates called simple sugar. By following the Keto Diet you disrupt the feeding of cancer cells as they are unable to use ketones to grow.

I have included some recipes here below to help you get started on your journey.

I hope this has been of some help and value to you. If you are interested in knowing more and get your Custom Keto Plan to give you a massive boost on your road to success then click on the link here below.

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These Custom Keto meal plans are tailored to your own unique situation, needs, goals and dietary preferences to ensure you experience optimal progress and follow a diet you enjoy.

A failure to plan is a plan to fail.

Best of luck to you on your journey.

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Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Breakfast “Oats”

This Keto oats recipe can save you time on busy mornings. A creamy and healthy meal, this dish will make you want to eat more. It’s tasty and the cinnamon flavor is overpowering. So make sure to add this dish to your meal planning next time!

🍽 Servings: 1

2 Tbsp Coconut Flour
2 Tbsp Coconut Flakes
1 Tbsp Chia Seeds
2/3 cup Almond Milk
1/2 Tbsp Brown Sugar Erythritol
1/4 tsp Cinnamon

1) Stir together all the ingredients in a bowl.
2) Serve immediately or refrigerate overnight.
Nutritional Information:
Energy — 188 kcal
Protein — 7g (13%)
Fat — 15g (67%)
Carbohydrates — 9g (20%)
Fiber — 3.5g

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Keto Butter Chicken

An Indian Classic dish that is loved by many. It is spiced, creamy, and absolutely mouthwatering.
You can serve it over cauliflower rice or eat on its own.

🍽 Servings: 1

100g Chicken breast, diced
10g minced Garlic
10g minced Shallots
5g minced Ginger
2 tsp Curry Powder
2 tsp Tomato Paste
1 Tbsp Butter
2 Tbsp Heavy Cream
1/2 cup Chicken Stock
Fresh Cilantro for garnish

1) Melt butter in a pan.
2) Add ginger, garlic, and shallots. Sautee until aromatic.
3) Add tomato paste and curry powder. Roast for about a minute.
4) Add chicken stock and bring to a simmer.
5) Add chicken pieces and simmer for 10 minutes.
6) Add heavy cream and simmer until thick.
7) Top with fresh cilantro.

Nutritional Information:
Energy — 395 kcal
Protein — 23g (25%)
Fat — 29g (67%)
Carbohydrates — 9g (8%)
Fiber — 3g

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Keto Choco-Peanut Butter Mug Cake

Another sweet tooth craving of yours will be satisfied with this delectable mug cake. Chocolate chips and peanut butter are mostly everyone’s favourites. Who doesn’t love both anyway? So combining them is always a good idea!

🍽 Servings: 1

1 Tbsp sugar-free Peanut Butter
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp Coconut Flour
1 Egg
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 Tbsp Heavy Cream
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
1 Tbsp sugar-free Chocolate Chips

1) Whisk all ingredients in a microwave-safe mug.
2) Set for 60–90 seconds in the microwave.

Nutritional Information:
Energy — 318 kcal
Protein — 10g (13%)
Fat — 29g (79%)
Carbohydrates — 6g (8%)
Fiber — 2.4g
